Vermont Official State Website
Agency of Commerce and Community Development - Division for Historic Preservation
Online Resource Center
Online Resource Center
Online Resource Center Search
Project Name
Project Number
File Name
Addison - Addison
Albany - Orleans
Alburgh - Grand Isle
Andover - Windsor
Arlington - Bennington
Athens - Windham
Averill - Essex
Averys Gore - Essex
Bakersfield - Franklin
Baltimore - Windsor
Barnard - Windsor
Barnet - Caledonia
Barre City - Washington
Barre Town - Washington
Barton - Orleans
Belvidere - Lamoille
Bennington - Bennington
Benson - Rutland
Berkshire - Franklin
Berlin - Washington
Bethel - Windsor
Bloomfield - Essex
Bolton - Chittenden
Bradford - Orange
Braintree - Orange
Brandon - Rutland
Brattleboro - Windham
Bridgewater - Windsor
Bridport - Addison
Brighton - Essex
Bristol - Addison
Brookfield - Orange
Brookline - Windham
Brownington - Orleans
Brunswick - Essex
Buels Gore - Chittenden
Burke - Caledonia
Burlington - Chittenden
Cabot - Washington
Calais - Washington
Cambridge - Lamoille
Canaan - Essex
Castleton - Rutland
Cavendish - Windsor
Charleston - Orleans
Charlotte - Chittenden
Chelsea - Orange
Chester - Windsor
Chittenden - Rutland
Clarendon - Rutland
Colchester - Chittenden
Concord - Essex
Corinth - Orange
Cornwall - Addison
Coventry - Orleans
Craftsbury - Orleans
Danby - Rutland
Danville - Caledonia
Derby - Orleans
Dorset - Bennington
Dover - Windham
Dummerston - Windham
Duxbury - Washington
East Haven - Essex
East Montpelier - Washington
Eden - Lamoille
Elmore - Lamoille
Enosburg - Franklin
Essex - Chittenden
Fair Haven - Rutland
Fairfax - Franklin
Fairfield - Franklin
Fairlee - Orange
Fayston - Washington
Ferdinand - Essex
Ferrisburgh - Addison
Fletcher - Franklin
Franklin - Franklin
Georgia - Franklin
Glastenbury - Bennington
Glover - Orleans
Goshen - Addison
Grafton - Windham
Granby - Essex
Grand Isle - Grand Isle
Granville - Addison
Greensboro - Orleans
Groton - Caledonia
Guildhall - Essex
Guilford - Windham
Halifax - Windham
Hancock - Addison
Hardwick - Caledonia
Hartford - Windsor
Hartland - Windsor
Highgate - Franklin
Hinesburg - Chittenden
Holland - Orleans
Hubbardton - Rutland
Huntington - Chittenden
Hyde Park - Lamoille
Ira - Rutland
Irasburg - Orleans
Isle La Motte - Grand Isle
Jamaica - Windham
Jay - Orleans
Jericho - Chittenden
Johnson - Lamoille
Killington - Rutland
Kirby - Caledonia
Lake Champlain - Lake Champlain
Landgrove - Bennington
Leicester - Addison
Lemington - Essex
Lewis - Essex
Lincoln - Addison
Londonderry - Windham
Lowell - Orleans
Ludlow - Windsor
Lunenburg - Essex
Lyndon - Caledonia
Maidstone - Essex
Manchester - Bennington
Marlboro - Windham
Marshfield - Washington
Mendon - Rutland
Middlebury - Addison
Middlesex - Washington
Middletown Springs - Rutland
Milton - Chittenden
Monkton - Addison
Montgomery - Franklin
Montpelier - Washington
Moretown - Washington
Morgan - Orleans
Morristown - Lamoille
Mount Holly - Rutland
Mount Tabor - Rutland
New Haven - Addison
Newark - Caledonia
Newbury - Orange
Newfane - Windham
Newport City - Orleans
Newport Town - Orleans
North Hero - Grand Isle
Northfield - Washington
Norton - Essex
Norwich - Windsor
Orange - Orange
Orwell - Addison
Panton - Addison
Pawlet - Rutland
Peacham - Caledonia
Peru - Bennington
Pittsfield - Rutland
Pittsford - Rutland
Plainfield - Washington
Plymouth - Windsor
Pomfret - Windsor
Poultney - Rutland
Pownal - Bennington
Proctor - Rutland
Putney - Windham
Randolph - Orange
Reading - Windsor
Readsboro - Bennington
Richford - Franklin
Richmond - Chittenden
Ripton - Addison
Rochester - Windsor
Rockingham - Windham
Roxbury - Washington
Royalton - Windsor
Rupert - Bennington
Rutland City - Rutland
Rutland Town - Rutland
Ryegate - Caledonia
Saint Albans City - Franklin
Saint Albans Town - Franklin
Saint George - Chittenden
Saint Johnsbury - Caledonia
Salisbury - Addison
Sandgate - Bennington
Searsburg - Bennington
Shaftsbury - Bennington
Sharon - Windsor
Sheffield - Caledonia
Shelburne - Chittenden
Sheldon - Franklin
Shoreham - Addison
Shrewsbury - Rutland
Somerset - Windham
South Burlington - Chittenden
South Hero - Grand Isle
Springfield - Windsor
Stamford - Bennington
Stannard - Caledonia
Starksboro - Addison
Stockbridge - Windsor
Stowe - Lamoille
Strafford - Orange
Stratton - Windham
Sudbury - Rutland
Sunderland - Bennington
Sutton - Caledonia
Swanton - Franklin
Thetford - Orange
Tinmouth - Rutland
Topsham - Orange
Townshend - Windham
Troy - Orleans
Tunbridge - Orange
Underhill - Chittenden
Vergennes - Addison
Vernon - Windham
Vershire - Orange
Victory - Essex
Waitsfield - Washington
Walden - Caledonia
Wallingford - Rutland
Waltham - Addison
Wardsboro - Windham
Warners Grant - Essex
Warren - Washington
Warrens Gore - Essex
Washington - Orange
Waterbury - Washington
Waterford - Caledonia
Waterville - Lamoille
Weathersfield - Windsor
Wells - Rutland
West Fairlee - Orange
West Haven - Rutland
West Rutland - Rutland
West Windsor - Windsor
Westfield - Orleans
Westford - Chittenden
Westminster - Windham
Westmore - Orleans
Weston - Windsor
Weybridge - Addison
Wheelock - Caledonia
Whiting - Addison
Whitingham - Windham
Williamstown - Orange
Williston - Chittenden
Wilmington - Windham
Windham - Windham
Windsor - Windsor
Winhall - Bennington
Winooski - Chittenden
Wolcott - Lamoille
Woodbury - Washington
Woodford - Bennington
Woodstock - Windsor
Worcester - Washington
Grand Isle
Lake Champlain
File Type
Town File
Town Report
National Register
State Register
Historic Survey
Archaeological Inventory
Project File
Environmental Review
Historic Context
Advisory Council
Document Type
Advisory Council Action
Agriculture Context
Agriculture Property Type
Agriculture Theme
Applicant Submittal
Applicant Submittal-Division Response
Archaeology Report
Award Letter
Bibliographies Context
Bibliographies Property Type
Bridge Survey
Building Plans
Building Report
Closeout Letter
Contact Period Context
Contact Period Theme
Culture and Govt. Context
Culture and Govt. Property Type
Culture and Govt. Theme
Determination of Eligibility
Division Response
Field Inspection
Financial Worksheet
Historic Architecture Context
Historic Architecture Property Type
Historic Architecture Theme
Historic Resource Documentation Package
Industry and Commerce Context
Industry and Commerce Property Type
Industry and Commerce Theme
Legacy Documents
Meeting Agenda/Meeting Minutes
Multiple Property Documentation Form
Nomination Form
NRCS Projects
Pre- Contact Period Context
Pre- Contact Period Property Type
Pre- Contact Period Theme
Predictive Model
Programmatic Agreements
Project Number
Registration Form
Regulatory Document
Shapefile Zip
Site Plans
Summary Sheet
Survey Form
Survey GIS
Tourism Context
Tourism Property Type
Tourism Theme
Town File Documents
Transportation Context
Transportation Property Type
Transportation Theme
War and Peacetime Context
War and Peacetime Property Type
War and Peacetime Theme
Start Date
End Date
[500] Sites Found
Records per Page
Project Name
File Type
Document Type
Project Number
Historic Context
Industry and Commerce Context
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Mining - Copper
Historic Context
Industry and Commerce Context
View Scanned Document
Logging and Lumber Production
Historic Context
Historic Architecture Context
View Scanned Document
Lime Kilns
Historic Context
Industry and Commerce Context
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Iron Industry
Historic Context
Industry and Commerce Context
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Glass Making
Historic Context
Industry and Commerce Context
View Scanned Document
Commercial Development in Urban Areas
Historic Context
Industry and Commerce Context
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Commercial Development in Rural Areas
Historic Context
Industry and Commerce Context
View Scanned Document
Charcoal MFC
Historic Context
Industry and Commerce Context
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Building Materials Manufacturing
Historic Context
Industry and Commerce Context
View Scanned Document
Industry and Commerce: Theme Overview
Historic Context
Industry and Commerce Theme
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Tower and Street Clocks
Historic Context
Historic Architecture Property Type
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Spring Floors
Historic Context
Historic Architecture Property Type
View Scanned Document
Property Types: Shelters and Cabins
Historic Context
Historic Architecture Property Type
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Public Housing
Historic Context
Historic Architecture Property Type
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Historic Context
Historic Architecture Property Type
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Hyperbolic Parabolas
Historic Context
Historic Architecture Property Type
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Geodesic Domes
Historic Context
Historic Architecture Property Type
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Folk Environments
Historic Context
Historic Architecture Property Type
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Historic Context
Historic Architecture Property Type
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